
Blog updated with awesomeness by noone
if anyone wants to update the blog, holla at Andrew Sanford on Facebook and we;ll get you set up

:: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ::



Last week Broc put in some serious work in front of the camera. We spent two days filming a bike test video that is hopefully going to be on RIDEBMX.COM as soon as I can figure out why Final Cut wont play back the audio on the clips? Then on Sunday Jon Rogers (president and CEO of the 180 CLUB) came down and filmed with Broc. All three days Broc f-ing killed it and got some amazing clips that everyone will see very soon. here is a little screen capture of some of the stuff we got.


Cody Miller has some sweeet photos up on his flickr of him, mickey, and michael putting in work on their backyard ramp and box jump addition


nothing are nothing if youre pro like c-miller


i really really like this photo of mickey. prolly cause ill never be able to do those:)

lastly, just got new wheels, frame, tires, pedals... and pretty much everything else since X-mas and i freaking love it. best bike ive had so far

oh and i know most of you dudes check, well this dude was giving away these weird pedals to who ever email him first so i did and i got the pedal and they are retarded. they attach to your spindle and ill never ride them so if anyone is into weird/ scooter shit, you can have them and see if you like them. they remind me of something thomas would ride

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posted by Andrew  # 4:00 PM
i want some curbriders!!
I laughed so hard at the "do a burnout, don't be one" tag. SO GOOOD!
hahahah, thomas.
hows that guy doing?
sorry kyle, thomas texted me about 2 minutes after this post went up and said he wanted them....
andrew, i want those for a tramp bike...

you sure you dont want to take your chain off and and put three front wheels on and maybe a basket on your handlebars to carry all of your skillz around in and give those things a whirl? yeah, i didnt think so...
Andrew ur like a spoiled kid who get all brand new parts but cant do work with that bike!
well i just get soooo many new parts i can never get use to it and it keeps me from learning AwEsOmE tRiCkS!
I've seen Andrew do a tailwhip to ankle break so don't even say he can't do tricks because not only can he do tricks, he can do combos!
no ooti, im way better than that, the other day i did a downside whip to tanya harding to rip pinky nail off! prolly my best combo thus far
Andrew = the new Joe Rich
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