
Blog updated with awesomeness by noone
if anyone wants to update the blog, holla at Andrew Sanford on Facebook and we;ll get you set up

:: Thursday, September 21, 2006 ::


B.R.A.S.S. Fundraiser Tonight

I know this is short notice but I found out yesterday that there will be a B.R.A.S.S. (Baton Rouge Advocates for Safe Streets) fundraiser at Chelsea's Cafe tonight at 10:30. B.R.A.S.S. is dedicated to making Baton Rouge more bike friendly- creating bike paths and lanes on major roads, creating awareness about bicycling in the city, etc. The fundraiser has a couple of bands- the only one I know for sure is Shark Attack. You have to be 18 to enter and 21 to drink. That's all I know for now but if you want more info stop by Mid-City Bicycles on Government St. and check out the flyer.

posted by Brock  # 8:11 AM 0 comments

:: Sunday, September 17, 2006 ::



Fat just sent me this picture of him taken while filming for the new and upcoming ridebmx video... He says there will be an office clip, just thought I would share it with you guys

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don't worry he's alright. haha

posted by Victor  # 10:28 PM 0 comments

A special thanks

To everyone who made it out today at buck nuttys. It's great to see that place packed on sundays. It really motivates people to ride, and only that but it keeps the park running. I would also like to say over the past two weeks I've met about 6 new riders from this area, which I am really stoked on. All of them are really kool guys.

When I got home from bucks one of my buddies sent me the photo's that our buddy Jeffery. Check them out...

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Thank you Mr. Jeffery for taking these sweet pictures and thanks Chance for sending them to me... Untill next time, take care guys

posted by Victor  # 8:02 PM 0 comments

:: Saturday, September 16, 2006 ::


Hello there

Word is that Ooti and Todd will be putting on the contest and it has been post-poned untill further notice, and the format of the contest has been changed to regular format. On the other hand, Tonight was a sweet little session at bucks between Jon, Seth, Ooti, and myself.

Incase you guys have some free time tomorrow, We're going to have another session except this time their will be more people from what I've heard. Look forward to riding with you guys that will be able to make it out there tomorrow. Untill then, keep spaming the G-book and refreshing your myspace. Hahaha, later on guys I'm out for the night

posted by Victor  # 10:03 PM 0 comments

:: Thursday, September 14, 2006 ::


BREC Meeting Update

Well, Jason St. Romain asked if anyone had an update from the BREC meeting so I figured I'd let everyone know what I heard/saw.

The entire Perkins Rd. park is scheduled to be transformed into an "Extreme Park". This meeting was to get feedback from people in the community about what types of activities/amenities they would like to see included in the plan for the park. Rock climbing walls, mountain bike trails, dirt jumps, yoga classes- all of this stuff was on the table. BREC had several proposed layouts drawn up by a landscape architect in Baton Rouge. The architect did a wonderful job of drawing out a really cool conception of what the park would look like, however he was not completely educated on the ins & outs of skateboarding and BMX.

An example of this would be the two separate BMX racing tracks (the one we have now barely gets used- there is no need for two tracks). Also, both conceptual designs featured concrete skateparks which would not allow bikes. I, along with Tommy and Rory, talked at length with the architect about the need to allow bikes into the concrete skatepark. We talked about the use of pegs in concrete parks and gave him examples of concrete parks that allow both bikes and skateboards. I really believe he just wasn't aware of the amount of bike riders in Baton Rouge. Which leads me to another fact; everyone in charge of the meeting was VERY surprised at the amount of riders who showed up at the meeting. I know while I was there at least 4 other riders were filling out surveys and talking to the BREC representatives. I was really glad to hear that- thanks to everyone who came out and let the folks at BREC know that Baton Rouge will not be another Hammond.

As far as a completion date or any timeline, I have no idea. I've heard from a couple of different people that BREC would like to have this done in the next 18 months (but I don't know if that is official).

Anyone with more information or comments can post responses to this entry below (instead of having to use the guestbook- I hate that thing).

Sorry that this post was somewhat official sounding- next time I'll post some crazy drunken pictures or something like that...

posted by Brock  # 3:13 PM 0 comments

:: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 ::


Skatepark Meeting Today and LA Trails

For those of you who don't know (or may have forgotten) there is a meeting today at the BREC Perkins Road Park. The goal of the meeting/workshop is to gather input from the community about what types of activities should be included in the redesign of the park. One large portion of this park is to be devoted to a concrete skatepark. We need as many BMXers from the area to show up and get our voices heard. We already know how pathetic the situation is in Hammond- let's make sure the same does not happen in Baton Rouge.

In other news, a lot of work has been done recently on the trails outside of Baton Rouge. A lot of locals have been putting time in with the shovels and the jumps are looking good. A new line with some serious jumps has been forming over the last couple of weeks. Here's some pics from a rainy day digging session:

(Photo: Tommy Manasco)

posted by Brock  # 9:25 AM 0 comments

:: Friday, September 08, 2006 ::


Transitions '06 in Props 61

That's right, a 3-and-a-half minute part in the video. Good stuff. Get it from your local bike shop, skatepark or mail order. I sent a few copies to Iowa St. that can float around the neighborhood. Peep 'em.

posted by Fat Tony  # 10:08 PM 0 comments

:: Thursday, September 07, 2006 ::


Baton Rouge Recreation

Acording to Broc on the guest-book the BREC is having a public meeting Sept 12th... Here's what he had to say incase you missed it.

"For those of you who do not know this already, BREC (Baton Rouge Recreation) is having a public planning meeting next Tuesday, Sept. 12th from 10 am to 7 pm. It is at 7122 Perkins Road in Baton Rouge (where the BMX track is located). It is part of BREC's "Imagine Your Parks" initiative which is basically an open invitation for citizens to voice their opinions about what should be included in the revised park. There will be exhibits of sample master plans for the redone park and you will be able to talk to BREC reps about what YOU want in the new Perkins Road park. I would like to see every bike rider I've ever met show up at some point throughout the day in order to push for not only a concrete skatepark, but a BIKE FRIENDLY park built with input from both BMX riders and skaters. For those of you who complain about the situation in Hammond, this is your chance to prevent a similar situation from happening in Baton Rouge. If we do not show our faces at these sorts of meetings we will be excluded from the planning process. I have talked to some of the higher up representatives from BREC and they are shooting for a concrete skatepark in Baton Rouge within 18 months. I know a lot of us have heard this before and may be skeptical but it is our responsibility to get out and make sure we are not excluded from this project. This is our chance to make sure our voices are heard- anyone who can make it out would definitely help."

posted by Victor  # 10:27 PM 1 comments

Changes on the site...

Hey guys, Fat here. I guess you've realized that we switched over to this Blogger thing. So from now on we will have several people updating the news on this site. Victor Boutte will be updating from Lafayette, Brad Jensen and Brock Gomez will be handling things from the Baton rouge area, and Andrew Sanford will be filling you in on the New Orleans news.

Take advantage of the comment section too. That should be interesting.

It was awesome seeing you guys and hanging out in Baton Rouge last weekend. I'll see some of you at Interbike and then I'll be back in Louisiana for a week Christmas.

posted by Fat Tony  # 8:07 PM 0 comments

Brads Test Post

I will now be a regular contributor to the ever popular news of the Louisiana BMX scene and I thought I would kick my test post off with a pic from a recent roadtrip I took the North West side of our country. On the surface this may not seem like anything directly related to Louisiana BMX but anyone who has ever been on a roadtrip and had the pleasure to experience new scenery or made a new friend from their travel would quickly agree that pictures just like this have everything to do with BMX. It is through trips like this that you create lasting memories and often time friendships all through the common interest of riding bikes. Well I hope you will enjoy the content that I plan to contribute to this site as I hope to bring some interesting posts to this bmx-thirsty audience of internet pedalers.

posted by Brad  # 3:54 PM 1 comments

:: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 ::


Sunday Session

For those of you who had more important things to do then come to the blue ramp. Heres what you missed. First off Eric and TJ came up with the idea to do a double wall ride. Which looked really sick and can be viewed below.

Followed by Jon and Erics double rubben wall rides which couldnt have been any better, as well as the downside fast plant side-by-side. So much style

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On a lighter note the night was still filled with tricks like Mikes sweet toboggan on the hip.

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And Hungry decided to ooze some style with this nice a$$ lookback on the hip.

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Photos above by Fat Tony, taken from

All in all the holiday was fun and I look forward to riding with you guys again.

posted by Fat Tony  # 1:49 PM 1 comments

:: Saturday, September 02, 2006 ::


Happy Labor Day Weekend

Figured I'd update the site and give you guys something to look at incase u miss'ed it. So heres a few things you can check out

If you haven't checked out Brock, Tony, and TJ's video u can check it out at

For all the football fans LSU won 45-3 aganist UL... That wasn't a supprise

Fat told me not to post non-related Louisiana news unless its epic but I think Morgan wade doing a flair over a gap in a cement ditch is Epic. Which can be seen at as well.

Also Eastern just released news about the New Titanium Grim Reaper... It only weighs 2 pounds... The frame will run u $1,500 bucks but if morgan wade can do 540 bunny hops with them... i'd say its interesting.

Update you later when things get important. Untill then keep checkin out the Vancover metro jam with Ryan Fudger at RideBMX as well. lol

this is my first update ever so don't bash me...

posted by Fat Tony  # 9:36 PM 0 comments


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