
Blog updated with awesomeness by noone
if anyone wants to update the blog, holla at Andrew Sanford on Facebook and we;ll get you set up

:: Monday, March 31, 2008 ::


Big Changes

Fat made Andrew and I the administrators for the blog now so I guess we'll be administering a can of whoopass, not really but yeah. Fat also changed the main page of to "Thanks For The Ride. It was fun." so if you want to get here, like you are now, make a note that it's now.

Fat also sends me pictures like this on AIM.

We've been riding some street at night lately. Here is Derek Christ at Bougeoire Hall hopping over a barricade.

Derek Christ at Bougeoire Hall in Lafayette photo: Cory Meadows

Andrew and I rode NOLA on Wednesday and met up with Ron, Rob, Thomas, Carlos, Timmy, and Jon later in the day. I took a few pictures of him and his bike and he'll have a bike check up on here soon.

His Jewfro is coming back in nicely.

I'm going see Danny in Hungary this summer. He looks like he's killing it and I'm sure he is.

I saw this picture of Danny Josa on his myspace and had to post it.

I did some homemades tattoos with a needle and black india ink. So if you're 16 and you're ready to get "BMX" tattooed on you permanently then let me know, haha. KIDDING.

It looks only slightly better in person, haha. Tats by Ooti bruh.



posted by Ooti  # 1:30 PM
The ramp is getting built, we need to post the ramp pictures, the ramp is getting bigger....
Well lets see it! :) I'd like to come ride that thing eventually...
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