If you are in need of a new hat for Christmas this year or if you just wanna look bad ass, I just added some new Flatbill Flex-Fits to my site. They are the Icon Blaque Hats featuring a raised embroidery “I” in the front and an Icon/New Era Spoof logo embroidered on the side. They are so gangsta‘ you may want to ride with a Mac-10 and button up flannel.
originally posted on www.savagesouth.com:
Savage South road trip update
The trip will start in Jackson, MS and end up in Baton Rouge. From Baton Rouge to Houston TX. From Houston to Austin TX. From Austin to San Antonio TX. From San Antonio to Dallas TX. Pretty much the last road trip we had last year, but Texas is big and they got whats goin on, so I'm sure nobody can complain about that one, so pack your shit and prairee dog some cash out for this years fifth year bang out suckers.

This is the banner for the road trip, and there will be t-shirts for sale for this particular road trip, same design.
Do it!
We just started last weekend building some new ramps in my buddy Paul's backyard in Haughton. We've only gotten a small 8 foot section ribbed so far but when we're done it will be massive. Same tranny as the T-1 ramp too I might add.

We're gonna have a big bowled in section back through the giant bamboo jungle then those pine trees are becoming wall rides.
Section of flat bottom and my new bike. Pedals just weren't working for me.

After we're done adding another section length wise we're gonna bowl it all in
then make a hip out to another section.
Updates as things progress!
This one comes from Lil' Broc's dad, Ryan Raiford:
Brock, I am going to jump on the bandwagon with Rob Crews with outside help for the ramps on little Broc and my behalf. I have actually had a draft sitting in my e-mail waiting to send once little Broc got me your e-mail address. You can count us in for a $100 contribution to the ramp as well. I have been totally stoked on the whole BR scene ever since G-Rad told me about the whole block party thing with BMXers a few years back. After I attended my first Transitions I could only wish that I could have been part of something like that ( the whole BMX scene in BR ) as a kid and I hoped that little Broc could one day be a part of it. When I first read that you were having trouble getting repairs done I often wondered how someone could not want that to keep on keeping on, but I understand. Thanks for recognizing what you have and don't give up. I'll hook you up next time I see you.
Ryan Raiford
Again, thanks to all the people who have put money, time and effort into getting the ramps reconstructed. I can't thank you guys enough.
This came from Rob Crews in the mail today:
Even though I don't live in BR and I'm not an Iowa/Aster St. local I still feel like I should help out and show support in any way I can. I always felt welcome to go in the yard and ride that ramp anytime I came around. Sometimes I would just show up out of nowhere to ride and no one would ever tell me shit or ask me for a dime. I have a lot of unforgettable good memories from being on that ramp and chilling in BR. I even put down a few screws and sheets of plywood on that ramp back in the day when it was first built. That's not much but I helped out a little when I could. So in a way that ramp has been just as much a part of my life as it has been a part of all the locals' lives. That ramp has been there for me to ride anytime I ever wanted and now I see a ramp and people that need support- I'll be damned if I just sit back and see this happen and not do anything about it or show some form of support. If I didn't give a fuck at all about this situation I could not feel good about calling myself a true BMX rider. BR is not my home but Louisiana is so that makes yall my closest neighbors and brothers in BMX. So I'm down to show support and contribute something. It's the least I can do and I wish I could do more. Much respect to the core group of people who made the BR BMX scene what it is today. Yall know who you are. I look up to yall and continue to learn a lot about what I can do to make my own scene better. I hope this helps out with the rebuilding of the ramp.
Keepin it real and representing the South of the South
Rob Crews
Westbank New Orleans
I was pretty shocked by this letter along with the $100 money order that came with it. It's crazy that someone who lives an hour away with a full-time job plus a child to take care of can put up more money than these locals who live in BR and ride the ramp on a frequent basis:
Micky Marshall ($80)
G-Rad ($22)
Jade Jacob ($18.79)
Brandon Sanford ($5)
Cody Miller ($5)
Gus ($4)
Erik Stevenson ($0)
Lil Pat ($0)
Tommy Manasco ($0)
HUGE thanks go out to Rob Crews for his support of a scene that can't seem to support itself. It means a lot to me and the other riders trying to save the ramp.
Jeremy Brown took some time off from his photography career to come ride his bike and take some pictures. Here's some of what he got.

Worm quit working on 4-wheelers long enough to throw down some
Credit: J. Brown Photography

I decided to give a tribute to Brock
Credit: J. Brown Photography
That’s not the handlebar Trey!!!!
Credit: J. Brown Photography
You should see how
fast Chase can
plant flowers.
Sorry but I'm having a blast with these captions.
Credit: J. Brown Photography I already put this same shot up before but it was fuzzy without a flash
so here's another that I thought Jeremy did a good job on.
Credit: J. Brown Photography
That's it for now. Hope everyone's doing good around the rest of the state!
-Cody Miller
-Brandon Sanford
-Michael Allen
-Lil' Pat
-Erik Stevenson
-Micky Marshall
Also Includes
-Andrew Sanford/T.J. Gills split part.
-Buck Nutty's Contest web video (full quality)
-All trailers for the video (full quality)
All proceeds (minus the cost of DVD printing ect.) will go to repair the ramp on Iowa st. The DVD will run you $10 so start saving that allowance!
(details on a premiere and how to get a hold of one coming soon! As well as the final trailer for the video.)
To the Iowa/Aster St. Locals:
Over the course of this weekend, some of the Iowa/Aster St. locals began tearing down portions of the ramp that needed to be rebuilt. Despite the fact that we were a little shorthanded we managed to pull up most of the areas that needed work. As the weekend progressed and layers of rotten wood were pulled up we began to realize the ramp is in worse condition than we originally suspected. Instead of replacing a small portion of the ramp we are faced with reconstructing everything aside from the areas we worked on back in April for the Cinco de Mayo jam.
When I moved to Baton Rouge in the summer of 2000 to go to college the riding scene here was miniscule. I had been coming to BR to race during high school and I knew the street was amazing thanks to Road Fools 5. I really had not decided what I wanted to go to school for, and my decision to come to Baton Rouge and attend LSU was mainly based on the riding terrain. During my first year at LSU I met Brad Jensen who was an amazing rider and one of the most motivated people I had ever come across. Almost a year after meeting him he moved to the house on Iowa St. that we now live in. It wasn’t the best neighborhood but that wasn’t important. What was important was the fact that the landlord didn’t mind Brad building a “mini” ramp in the backyard. With a little help from the few riders in Baton Rouge and a decent amount of credit card debt Brad managed to build a ramp that would literally change the course of my life.
The ramp opened many doors for the Baton Rouge BMX scene. From the first weekend it was completed the ramp drew in people from other areas. With the ambition of Fat Tony and the financial backing of Red Bull we were able to start the Transitions gatherings which shaped the future of BMX in Louisiana. Over the course of 5 years Transitions grew and so did the ramps. Many other things in the neighborhood grew along with the ramps. As word spread about the riding scene in BR more people decided to move into the marginal neighborhood in order to have a free place to ride with no hassles. Over the last five years I have had more good times on the ramp than one person deserves in a lifetime. The ramps have brought people into my life that have become some of my best friends. Unfortunately, the future of the ramps is now in serious jeopardy.
With the added stress of many more people riding the ramp plus the wet South Louisiana weather the ramp has suffered. Originally the ramp was built with money coming in from Transitions through Red Bull, but because of the immense size of that event we have had to stop holding it. The future of the ramp is not in Red Bull’s hands. It is up to the riders who have enjoyed the ramp to save it. As someone who has been involved with the ramps from the beginning and who knows how much enjoyment can come from them, I truly thought that people would be supportive of the reconstruction. I was sadly mistaken. What seemed like a “no brainer” has turned into a struggle on every level. Since April I have bothered all of my friends to put up money for the ramp on a continual basis with very little result (in fact, as of today-nearly 6 months since the Cinco de Mayo jam- I have gotten a total of $160 from the locals who ride the ramp every day).
My frustration and disappointment with this situation has made my outlook on Baton Rouge and my opinion of BMX riders change completely. What was once a thriving scene of motivated locals has withered away into a pile of rotten wood and riders who are content with sessioning an empty parking lot.
It is up to the Iowa/Aster locals to save the ramp. If people do not start pitching in the ramp will never be rideable again. Let that sink in: THE RAMP WILL NEVER BE RIDEABLE AGAIN. I hope you all take some time to think about the times you have had on the ramp. Think of the people you have met. Think of the campfires. Think of the sessions. Think of the hard work you have put into the ramp. Think about coming home from your shitty job that you hate and having something in your backyard that is yours- something that makes your day better.
No rider on the block makes tons of money. When it comes to finances times can be tough, and the ramp will require a lot of money to fix properly. It is our responsibility to save the ramp. Think about the things you spend money on everyday. Are they more important than having the ramp? Only you can answer that.
Brock Gomez

If only Chase's credit score was as high as his degrees of rotation. Chase Walker mid 540.
Credit: Rachal W.

He can do these just as good in the air. Trey forgetting where he is.
Credit: Will Sandifer

No, you don't have cataracts, the picture just uploaded fuzzy for some reason. Me tucking.
Credit: Rachal W.

Paul abubacaing? a massive double barrell shotgun.
Credit: Will Sandifer

Paul was hungry so he decided to pick some cherries. Bring back the old school.
Credit: Rachal W.
Caitlin Brown, Trey Carter, Chase Walker, Will Sandifer, and Paul Brown
Credit: Rachal W.
There's a little story on the
SAVAGE SOUTH site about the trip that Micky, Louis and I took last month up to the Northeast. Ooti said I should post a link to it and what Ooti says goes. Check it out if you are bored.