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:: Monday, April 30, 2007 ::


OoTi BiLlEaUd DoOoOoD!!

I asked laffy taffy's very own Godfather a few questions so you guys could learn a thing or two about him. And if you didn't learn anything about Ooti reading this then be glad that you can read. Alot of kids can't.

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Ooti on our TBC road trip. sleeeeeeeeper.

name: Joseph Ooti Billeaud

age: 19 years old

describe yourself in 4 words: grind, box, pegs, happy

3 favorite pro riders: eli platt, corey martinez, joe rich

3 favorite people to ride with: I can't narrow it down to just 3. lately I've been riding with little jeff, stephen, and jesus

4 companie's nuts you are on: TBC, T1, Empire, and LeveL.

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interesting story behind this photo...(photo Fat)

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Mr. March for LouisianaBMX calendar. also check him out in the Playgirl calendar. oo lala

turndown or tummy sticks? swordfights

if you could be one super hero it would be: jon rogers

easy pink or difficult brown: if the pink stinks, take the brown to town! however, if there's a mound in the brown, sink the pink!

whos more pro, cody or raav: pro at what?... growing luscious locks?

who's your favorite MoRtAl KoMbAt character: n00b saibot with human smoke and scorpion tied for second

do you still have a man crush on danny josa even though hes thousands of miles away? distance makes the heart grow fonder...

do you long the day he is back in your arms?
actually, I've been hanging out with this new chick named maria.

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another TBC trip photo. camp ground bathrooms are the way too gross.

who would win in a fight, tyler or trey? well, tyler wears v-necks but trey doesn't have any pegs so they would probably be evenly matched...

schralp or shred? ScHrAlP BRUHHHH

why is lafayette never going to be austin? we don't have enough washed up, old dudes with front brakes talking shit on me because I have all my teeth. however, we do have a place to dig public dirt jumps and we'll have a concrete park soon, no thanks to washed up old dudes.

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when youre Ooti, you only do the biggest of rail hops... ScHrAlP!

whos head is bigger, yours or tweetie birds? 0/10

hairy like Jon or shaved like Fat? Fat and Hairy!

do you hate me? jesus no, I loved every second of that. do you hate me for giving you shit about maria? because if you do, you can dish it but you can't take it. i love you.

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Downside tailwhip at a training facility that Level Clothing sends Ooti to every summer cause he's SuPeR PrO! I'm sorry Ooti.

thank you.

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posted by Andrew  # 10:53 PM
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