
Blog updated with awesomeness by noone
if anyone wants to update the blog, holla at Andrew Sanford on Facebook and we;ll get you set up

:: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 ::


News for the masses

Hey there guys, just got back from the skatepark meeting in Houma, LA. There was actually a pretty good turnout with about 40 people at the meeting including a lot of parents and younger skaters. As far as I could tell I was the only BMXer in attendance but hopefully we'll be changing that soon.

Anyway, the group is still in the organizing stages and they seem to be getting the ball rolling. There was talk about whether the group would be a non-profit organization or if they would try to get a private company to back the whole operation. Also, they talked a good bit about examples of skateparks that they would like to use as models which brings us to a pretty sore spot for BMXers: Hammond's Dreamland Park. This was the most widely cited example of a good "public" park, which came as no surprise, being it is the only one in the state. The majority of the group had either been to the park or at least heard about it.

Throughout the meeting everyone was given a chance to speak so I took some time to try to explain the situation in Hammond from a BMXers point of view. I also took time to let everyone at the meeting know that there is a large BMX community in South Louisiana that is more than willing to help out with the ongoing struggle to get more skateparks in the state. Here's where you can help out- take some time to poke around to see what's happening down there. There is information about upcoming meetings/events for the park planning process as well as a forum to discuss the planning process. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET INVOLVED DURING THE BEGINNING OF THE PROCESS- THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN MAKE SURE THAT ANOTHER ANTI-BMX PARK IS NOT BUILT!!!!! Start talking in the forums on the site. Start asking questions. Start getting involved. I know Houma isn't exactly close to most of the people who read this, but neither is Allen, TX, the closest concrete, bike-friendly park worth a shit. I urge you to do whatever you can to help get more BMXers involved in this project. And please, be respectful when you are communicating with people- the last thing we need is a BMX vs. skateboarding situation.


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In other news, there will be a contest at the Iowa St. ramps on May 5th, 2007... yes, Cinco de Mayo. This contest is not Transitions, although we plan on making it as much fun as Transitions but with more riders and crazier riding. This weekend we will begin working on the ramps (weather permitting) in order to get them in top shape for the contest. Be on the lookout for a flyer in the near future as well as updates on the ramp progress. As of right now there will only be 2 classes for the contest- Expert and Pro. Entrance fees for the contest have not been decided yet but the Pro class will be awarded cash prizes with at least 75% payout between 1st, 2nd and 3rd. If anyone wants to help out with the contest email me at bmxman187(at) and we'll see what we can do.

If anyone has some noteworthy info drop me an email at the above address and I'll put it up. Until next time...

posted by Brock  # 7:35 PM
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