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:: Saturday, October 21, 2006 ::


LSU ECO Bike Week

The LSU Ecology club is sponsoring a Bike Week around Baton Rouge this week. There are several events planned for the upcoming week, some of which seem really fun (Critical Mass) and others which may not be as exciting. The schedule of events is as follows:

Sunday, Oct. 22nd: Mountain Biking at Comite Trail
4:30pm: Meet us out there or caravan together from the Memorial Tower at 4:00pm. This is a great trail over by the airport, should ne a fun ride!

Monday, Oct. 23rd: Ride at the Rec—for FREE!
All day: 2 hour bike rentals (Trek Cruiser/Mountain bike) FREE for students.
Need a bike for the week? Reservations can be made by calling 578-2051.
4pm-9pm: Free climbing!
5:15: Free indoor cycling courses for students, faculty, and staff (UREC members)!
6pm: ECO meeting at Women’s Center- a new comprehensive transportation policy on campus.

Tuesday, Oct. 24th: Bike Auction at Public Safety Bldg
9am to 11am: Scope out your new ride! 100 bikes to be auctioned off!
11am: Auction starts! Bring cash or a check & a photo ID.
11am on: Register your bike courtesy of SG!

Wednesday, Oct. 25th: Bike Safe at Free Speech Plaza
10am to 2pm: Get riding, safety, and maintenance tips! Group rides around campus every hour on the hour.
Learn how to use the bike racks on the buses!
10am to 2pm: 2 hour bike rentals (Trek Cruiser / Mountain bike ) FREE for students.

Thursday, Oct. 26th: Repair / Maintenance Workshop: the experts'll show us how to do things right
6pm: At the Sport & Adventure Complex on the corner of River Road and Gourrier.

***Friday, Oct. 27th: Critical Mass
5:30pm: Meet at LSU Memorial Tower, learn some riding tips, and get comfortable while riding on the road with us! Wear a Haloween costume or come as you are! Several of the BMXers in Baton Rouge have gone on Critical Mass before and it is FUN!! Blocking up traffic on campus with 40 bikes is pretty sweet.

If anyone is on campus throughout the week try to stop by and check out some of the events that are going on.

In other news Michael Allen has once again come down with some ridiculous random sickness. This week's affliction is an ear infection that has messed up some nerves that control the muscles in the left side of his face causing his face to be temporarily paralyzed. He said it should clear up within a month or so. I know it sounds crazy but it is completely true.

posted by Brock  # 4:26 PM
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