I know this is mad late but I just wanted to say THANKS to everyone who came out to the contest and had a good time. Everyone that rode killed it and this was definitely the biggest contest I have been to in Louisiana with 55 bmxers competing! That itself is amazing. Thanks to everyone who rode, bought a burger, got a raffle ticket, the parents that came to watch, and everyone else that made all the emails, painting, long hours, and building worth it. Also, a big thanks to all of your sponsors that sent a bunch of sweet stuff that made it possible to give out a crazy amount of prizes and a dope product toss at the end of the night. See you guys at the next one!
Fat wrote up a pretty sweet article over on RIDEBMX.COM about the contest and has alot of pics to go along with it. GO PEEP THAT BY CLICKING HERE!!!!!!
hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know a few things that we've been talking about and some new sponsors that have been kind enough to make this a even more bad ass shindig...
- Doug's shop, Adam's Bicycle World, is throwing in 500 smackeroo's to the top class winners. That alot money! Big thanks to them and if you need a bike of any kind or some sick BMX product, check them out, Dougs been making sure the BMX section is loaded down. Peep their website HEREEE.
-Matador Beef Jerky is sending out some product to keep you people from starving. So if beef jerky is your thing, get pumped because there will be a plethora of meat sticks!
-Red bull will also been there give people wiiinnnggggs. whats a bmx event without Redbull in Louisiana?
-We are also probably going to have a Pro class, which will make it 4 classes instead of the original 3 classes. This way more people can ride in classes with people their level. Plus that means more prizes for more people so its a win-win!
-Doug will be bringing out his portable box jump so we'll have some riding going on out in the street also. Just watch out for cars!
That's all the new news I got for now. Just hope to see everyone out here and have a good time. And next time you buy a BMX product, try and buy it from a company that supports events like this. Help out companies that help out your scene! Thats it... see you next Saturday!
"Here's the trailer for the mixtape, "Shortcuts", that premiered Saturday night in Baton Rouge. The new footage clocks in at 11 minutes, and the DVD includes over 30 minutes of web edits in the bonus section. Copies should be at Ramp Age and Mid City bikes within a week, or you can send me an email and I'll send you one in the mail (bmxman187@hotmail.com). Price is $7, and riders include Michael Allen, Cody Miller, TJ Gills, Andrew Sanford, Ronald Sheilds, Jon Rogers, Nano, Micky Marshall, Eric Ballard, Ooti Billeaud, Lil Pat, Josh Thibodeaux, Justin Bayliss, Pat Holliday and Josh Beckemeyer.
Support your local scene and buy this video. I gots medical bills. -Brock"
I'll have some at the skatepark for sale also so email brock or pick one up form Ramp Age. holla!
Broc and his parents made the trek again this year to so he could ride in the JoMoPro contest. Broc said he's feeling good on the ramps and the place is packed! Good luck, Man-Child!
A photographer named Brooks Reynolds from Toronto came through Lafayette recently and hung out and took some snaps. Here's one of me playing around in a ditch. Check out his website at http://blog.brooksreynolds.com/