For the past few day we've been working long hours to tear up the old stuff and get the new stuff built for bike night. instead of the two bank to banks with ledges on top, we now have a bank to bank hip with a slanted wallride. and a 5ft street spine!! ramps are alot of fun and flows alot more. Here are some pics.
Lil Broc went to the Free Flow Finals in SLC and rocked his dome on a 360whip over the box. He got a concussion when he fell and the medics there didn't let him ride in the contest. Bummer. Here are some pics jacked from the COLONY SITE.
Construction at RAMP AGE has begun! We are going to have a few new things to ride for bike night on Thursday so come check it out. IM SIKED!
When we went to go pick up all the wood for the new ramps, I stopped to pick up some old Profile Cranks at my parents house.... and found these old things! boom.
Ballard coming through with another edit! This time it's a quick little night session at the micky/miller ramp that is gone and some of Ballard's glow in the dark chalk drawing skillzzz. keep pumping them out brother!
Here's a video about the video premiere of Mutiny's Lets Get Mystical. I really want to see that video and will be ordering some for Ramp Age First thing next week. Come cop one!!!
ps you can see Cory Meadows, aka SHREDows aka the man for nutting up and moving to Austin (im very jealous, Cory), being mystified by Lets Get Mystical at 3:08! INTERNET SUPERSTAR, NBD!
This video is freaking awesome! super chill bmx vid Eric Ballard filmed of all the BR trick riders doing their thing. Riders include Cody Miller, Eric Ballard, Mickey Marshall, Michael Allen, Jon ROgers, Nano, Gary, Gus, Rory, Kory,Chicken little, TJ Thrills, and Kyle Fagan! Damn, Michael can nose wheelie fo sho.
That's right, Broc "BEEF" Raiford is now getting hooked up with COLONY BIKE CO. Everyone knows Broc absolutely kills it, so it's awesome to see a good kid getting hooked up. Here is a "welcome to the team" edit that Broc filmed in 3 days in Cali, while we went on our Vegas/Cali trip this summer. Everyone, peep that that last clip over the stair set and rail, INSANE!!
CLICK HEERREEEE for a quick TOP 5 style interview with Boc on
Peep this HD promo for the Gretna BMX race track on the westbank. It came out really cool with real smooth shots. They just redid the track with asphalt burms and changed it up a bit from last year also. Even though Ramp Age is 5 minutes away, I still have never even seen the track. I need to go over there and shut down all the racer kids that come to the park and talk trash! haha
Raav was filming for the GFFT video contest on RIDEBMX.COM but decided he didnt want to enter and made this edit instead. all filmed in one day BBOOIIIII!