Jon P. went to Europe for a few weeks and the ex-con he had watching the park stole all the money he made (surprise) and locked the park up and turned the power off but now Jon is back and it's open again so yeah, bike nights are still Tuesdays at 5 PM for only $5.
Here is a picture I took of Danny last night with my Canon 76d Mark XX. Gold, Pink, and high seats are making a comeback, holllllla.
Hey guys, I don't know why Brad doesn't post this stuff on here himself (I guess he's just being modest). ICON is having an art show at everyone's favorite bar, The Spanish Moon, this Saturday (tomorrow night). You can check out some new art from ICON, Marc Fresh and Scott Campbell, as well as music from The Bones, Zydepunks and The Way High Men. Come one, come all!
Once again, just a little reminder about the skatepark meeting tomorrow morning. We will be looking at the 2 plans that SITE has come up with for the Perkins Road park and we will decide which one is the plan we want to go with. The meeting is from 10AM to 12PM at the Perkins Road park at Perkins and Kenilworth.
I'd like to see as many of you as possible out there- this is pretty important and the more BMXers there the better. The last meeting had a great turnout and I really think our presence helped influence the outcome of that meeting. See you all tomorrow morning!!
P.S. I'll be in Pennsylvania with Louis Simmons and Micky for 2 weeks starting tomorrow afternoon so I probably won't be updating this site too much. Check out for updates from the trip. Hopefully someone else will step up and keep this site updated.
I know this is late but if you see this before 10 PM tonight and you are in Baton Rouge you need to go see LYMBYC SYSTM at the Spanish Moon. Totally rad music for you to relax to, and seeing them live is pretty impressive.
Danny and I went to Allen this weekend. Here is a video of some riding. Does anyone know how to post a video and make it available for download instead of this pixelated myspace garbage below? Allen Texas 9/07
Well I just got word of another skatepark meeting for the public park here in Baton Rouge. The next meeting will be this Saturday, September 22nd, from 10 AM to 12 PM at the Perkins Road park (same place as the last meeting). SITE design will have 2 revised, site specific designs for the BR public skatepark, phase 1. They will present both designs, then we will be able to pick which one we would like to build. After the group decides which plan is the best they will ask us for feedback and suggestions on that design which they may use to tweak the layout.
So there you have it. This is the meeting where you will get to see what is going to be built here in Baton Rouge. DON'T FORGET ABOUT THIS MEETING!!! I won't be able to make it cause I'll be out of town, and we definitely need as many people there as possible. I would have posted this sooner but nobody from BREC contacted me- I actually had to call them to find out. This is just another example of BREC's willingness to let this slide by without our input. Please show up to the meeting and get your voice heard!
I don't know if it's been posted on here yet, but Jon and Jes made a TBC website and it came out great. Go check it out. --->
TBC also has a new myspace so go add it!
For those of you who don't check the SAVAGE SOUTH website regularly, I posted a video of Lil Pat a few days ago. I just got a new skateboard to film lines with and I wanted to see what results we could get with my limited skating ability. I knew Pat would be able to throw down some lines so we hit the streets of BR for a couple of hours.
Photo I swiped from Pat's mySpace taken by Erik Stevenson
So if you are bored on this rainy day and you want to see someone kill the streets of BR in a 3 hour period then check out this vid. You can see it SMALL or LARGE.
I got a new point and shoot so Jeff and I took some pictures. Here you go. "Uhh... yeah Dad. I just got off school. No, I definitely didn't skip to go ride my bike, leaving school right now." Shitback Jeff tried a pedal stall to fakie for 2 hours and it paid off because he got really hungry and I brought him to taco bell and I think the satisfaction of the cheesy bean and rice burrito was greater than if he would have pulled the trick. I hopped through a hollllllllllllllllle.
Also, I don't have photoshop anymore so if someone could tell me how to rotate photos on a mac so that they stay in their upright position when I upload them to the iNtErWeb, I'd appreciate it.
The SITE website has been updated with the results from the previous BR skatepark meeting info.
You can check out the plans made by the individual groups at the last meeting by LOGGING IN with the username of perkins and the password skate. I was expecting a little bit more than what is on the site but I guess that is what we are getting. At the meeting it sounded like there would be a place for everyone to give input but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Anyway, if you want to let the guys at SITE know what you think follow the directions at the bottom of the page (email them at with the subject being BATON ROUGE).
That's all I have for now, I'll let everyone know what's going on with the next meeting as soon as I hear something.